Capital City: Antananarivo

Main Airports: Ivato International Airport, Fascene Airport

Population: 27 million people

Money: Ariary (MGA)

Int. Dialing code: +261

Languages: Malagasy, French

Side of road to drive on: Right

Voltage: 220V

Main Tourist Areas: Antananarivo, Toliara, Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Morondava, Nosy Be

Time Zone: GMT +3

Why visit Madagascar?

Madagascar is a fascinating destination, known for its unique wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. The island nation, located off the coast of East Africa, is home to an incredible array of endemic species, including lemurs, chameleons, and birds. The capital city of Antananarivo offers a rich cultural experience, with historical sites, colourful markets, and traditional crafts.

Nature lovers will be enchanted by the country's stunning national parks and protected areas, including Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, home to the Indri lemur, one of the largest species of lemurs. The park offers excellent opportunities for hiking and wildlife viewing, as well as a chance to learn about the country's unique flora and fauna.

For those interested in culture and history, the city of Toliara, on the southwestern coast, is a must-visit. This lively coastal town is known for its traditional markets and vibrant street life, as well as its historical sites, including the oldest mosque in Madagascar, dating back to the 12th century.

Another highlight of Madagascar is its beautiful beaches, including those in Morondava, known for their stunning sunsets and towering baobab trees. Nosy Be, off the northwest coast, is a popular destination for diving and snorkelling, with its pristine coral reefs and diverse marine life.

Whether you are a nature lover, culture enthusiast, or a beach bum, Madagascar offers something for everyone. With its friendly people, breath-taking landscapes, and fascinating wildlife, this island nation is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors. So pack your bags, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime in Madagascar!

National Flag of Madagascar