Capital city: Mbabane

Main Airports: Matsapha International Airport

Population: 1.2 million people

Money: Lilangeni (SZL)

Int dialing code: +268

Languages: English, Swazi

Side of road to drive on: Left

Voltage: 220V, 50Hz

Main Tourist Areas: Hlane Royal National Park, Malolotja Nature Reserve, Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, Mantenga Nature Reserve, and the Sibebe Rock

Timezone: SAST (UTC+2)

Why visit Eswatini?

Come and explore the beautiful and diverse country of Eswatini. With its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people, Eswatini is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by adventurous travellers. One of the main attractions in Eswatini is its wildlife.

Hlane Royal National Park, Malolotja Nature Reserve, Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, and Mantenga Nature Reserve are just a few of the many places where visitors can encounter some of the country's incredible species, including elephants, lions, and zebras. The Sibebe Rock, one of the largest granite domes in the world, is also a must-visit for those looking for a unique natural landmark.

For those interested in the local culture, Eswatini has a rich and fascinating history that is waiting to be explored. From the traditional Swazi dances and customs to the various festivals and celebrations, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the local way of life.

Eswatini also offers a range of outdoor activities, including hiking, horse riding, and game drives, making it the perfect destination for adventure-seekers. Whether you're looking for a peaceful nature retreat or an action-packed adventure, Eswatini has something to offer everyone.

Discover the magic of this truly unique and special country.