Capital city: Bangui

Main Airports: Bangui M'Poko International Airport

Population: approximately 4.7 million people

Money: Central African CFA franc

Int dialing code: +236

Languages: French, Sango

Side of road to drive on: Right

Voltage: 220V

Main Tourist Areas: Dzanga-Sangha National Park, Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, N'Délé, Bangui.

Timezone: GMT+1

Why visit Central African Republic?

Although the Central African Republic is not as well known as some other African destinations, it is a hidden gem, full of natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. From the pristine wilderness of Dzanga-Sangha National Park to the stunning scenery of Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, the country is home to some of the most diverse and awe-inspiring landscapes on the continent.

In Bangui, the capital city, visitors can explore the bustling streets, sample delicious local cuisine, and visit museums and galleries showcasing the country's rich cultural heritage. For those looking to immerse themselves in nature, the N'Délé area is home to breath-taking waterfalls, rolling hills, and lush forests.

One of the most unique and memorable experiences visitors can have in the Central African Republic is observing the gorillas and elephants in their natural habitats in Dzanga-Sangha National Park. This protected area is also home to a wide variety of other wildlife, including buffalos, antelopes, and many species of birds.

The country is also rich in cultural heritage, and visitors can learn about the traditional customs and lifestyles of the local people by visiting the nearby villages. The Central African Republic is a truly unique and rewarding destination for travellers seeking to experience the authentic Africa.

The Central African Republic is a hidden gem waiting to be explored, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in breath-taking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Whether you are a nature lover, cultural enthusiast, or simply looking for a unique travel experience, the Central African Republic is the perfect destination.