Capital city: Yaoundé

Main Airports: Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport, Douala International Airport

Population: Approximately 24 million people

Money: Central African CFA Franc (XAF)

Int dialing code: +237

Languages: French, English, Cameroon Pidgin English, and many African languages

Side of road to drive on: Right

Voltage: 220V

Main Tourist Areas: Mount Cameroon, Limbe Botanical Garden, Waza National Park, Maroua

Timezone: GMT+1

Why visit Cameroon?

Cameroon is a country with a unique and diverse culture, located in Central Africa. From the bustling streets of Yaoundé, the capital city, to the breath-taking beauty of Mount Cameroon, there's something for everyone in Cameroon.

One of the must-visit tourist areas in Cameroon is Mount Cameroon, the highest peak in West and Central Africa. It offers stunning views and is also a popular spot for hiking and climbing. Another beautiful spot is the Limbe Botanical Garden, which features a diverse collection of tropical plants and is home to several species of monkeys and birds.

For those interested in wildlife, a trip to Waza National Park is a must. Here, you can see elephants, lions, giraffes, and many other species in their natural habitat. If you're interested in culture and history, a visit to Maroua, a city in northern Cameroon, is a great option. It is known for its rich history, traditional architecture, and vibrant markets.

Cameroon is a country that offers a unique blend of nature, culture, and adventure. From the stunning landscapes of Mount Cameroon to the vibrant markets of Maroua, there's something for everyone in this beautiful country. Whether you're an adventurer, a nature lover or simply seeking a new cultural experience, Cameroon is the perfect destination for you.